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Hello, my name is Gabrielle Celeste. I am an intuitive Astrologer and a spiritual and clairsentient healer. I use Astrology as a modality to help my clients better understand themselves and their unique cosmic blueprint.
My love for Astrology stems as far back as early childhood. My interest in the Divine continued into adulthood and ultimately became my life-line during my life-changing 12th house Saturn Return. During that introspective time, it became clear that Astrology was meant to play a bigger role in my life and Agua Astrology was born.
Agua Astrology is named after my deep connection to water and in reverence of my ancestral lineage. I am a triple water sign - a Cancer Sun, Pisces Moon, Pisces Rising. My intuitive gifts come from both my mother and father's lineage and I come from a long line of witches and intuitives on both sides. The foundation of this business is rooted in integrity, practicality, and respect for all parties involved in my practice.
I have over a decades worth of work experience in government, corporate and private industries. Over the span of my career, I have built, established and led organizational development and governance teams with a specific focus in multiple ISO® systems, risk management, and process development creation, implementation and management. I hold both a Bachelor and a Master of Business Administration degree from California Lutheran University. I earned my PMP® certification through PMI and my CPT® certification through NASM.
When I am not reading astrological charts or learning more about the Divine and all related subjects, I enjoy spending time at the beach, exercising, and traveling.